CARE voice broadcasting
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Voice Broadcasting

voice broadcast Voice broadcasting is a modern communications method that uses a computer telephony phone system to send recorded voice messages to hundreds or thousands of call recipients in a short period of time.

Database Systems Corp. (DSC) is a leading voice broadcast technology company. DSC has provided voice broadcasting applications to a wide variety of clients and industries. Database Systems Corp. has been in business since 1978 and has been a leading developer computer related solutions including software applications and computer systems.

The CARE (Call Reassurance) calling program utilizes this advanced technology to contact senior citizens at home to ensure they are OK. The DSC voice broadcasting technology calls these seniors based upon the schedules specified in their enrollment profile. Our voice broadcast technology can detect answering machines and determine if the call was successfully acknowledged by the senior. This technology likewise is used to notify the appropriate contac(s) if the call is not acknowledged by the senior.

Contact DSC to learn more about our CARE (Call Reassurance) calling service with integrated voice broadcasting technology.

Putnam County CARE (Call Reassurance)

"Putnam County Government, while operating under statue, primarily exists to provide and facilitate the delivery of essential, quality public services for the health, safety, protection and well-being of all residents in the County in cooperation and conjunction with the community. These services will be provided at the least cost to the taxpayers consistent with the efficient delivery of quality services and delivered with a “good neighbor” attitude. Leadership shall identify and plan for changes in resources that create an environment whereby the people in the County can be afforded opportunities for achieving quality of life." -

The Putnam County Sheriff's Office utilizes our CARE (Call Reassurance) phone system. This system with our integrated voice broadcasting feature provides Putnam County senior citizens with a telephone reassurance service. Citizens can be called daily to ensure their well-being.

Voice Broadcasting and CARE (Call Reassurance)

voice broadcast The CARE call subscription program uses voice broadcasting to call senior citizens on the days and at the times specified in their profile. When the senior citizen picks up the phone, the CARE program plays a recorded phone greeting. The senior is instructed to "Press 1" to acknowledge the call which indicates to the CARE system that they are OK. If the senior is in need of assistance, the CARE program prompts them to call 911 in an emergency or to "Press 3" for a non-emergency. In the latter case, the CARE voice broadcast program sends an alert message to the Contact(s) that the senior needs assistance or would simply like to chat with someone.

If after several attempts the senior citizen does not answer the phone or acknowledge the call, CARE will automatically call the designated Contact(s). The CARE voice broadcast program and the IVR associated with this campaign plays an alert message to the contact and sends an email alert. These alerts must be acknowledged using the same IVR technology stating "To acknowledge receiving this alert notification, Press 1".

Smartphone Voice Broadcasting

DSC now lets you manage your voice broadcasting campaigns using your smartphone. The following easy to use functions are available to smartphone users.

  • Login to your account
  • Select a list of phone numbers to call
  • Select saved recordings to broadcast
  • Record messages by calling our service
  • Start and Stop a voice broadcast
  • Monitor the voice broadcast in progress
Your smartphone now lets you manage any number of voice broadcasts using simple phone commands. Contact DSC to learn more about this simple way to control your voice broadcasting and to obtain a copy of this smartphone application.

Contact Information

Contact DSC to learn more about our CARE senior calling program that uses our voice broadcast services.